$1.99 Planters Peanuts at Target


(Deal Ends 3/29) Shop for Planters Peanuts for less at Target! This is on sale this week for $2.99 each, so when you use a new $1.00 off two 6-oz or larger Planters Nuts or Peanut Butter coupon and a $1.00 off two Planters Peanuts Target coupon, you can score a great deal:

► Buy two 16-oz Planters Peanuts @$2.99/ea = $5.98
Use (1) $1/2 Planters Nuts or Peanut Butter coupon =-$1.00
And use (1) $1/2 Planters Peanuts Target coupon =-$1.00
Final Price: $1.99 each

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