Try your luck at the Free Pillsbury Heat-N-Go Pancakes Giveaway! Like their page and scroll down to click on “Get Started” to fill out a form for your entry. You’ll have to upload a photo of you and your “Go” which is apparently your form of transportation, like a truck or a pair of roller skates. Just tell them in 10 words why you need to have your morning “Go” upgraded and you may just win one of the following:
- Five (5) Grand Prize: Each Grand Prize is a $5,000.00. Prize will be awarded via ten (10) $500 prepaid cash cards.
- One Hundred (100) First Prizes: a $100 prepaid cash card
- One Hundred (100) Second Prizes: a coupon for a free package of any variety of Pillsbury Heat-N-Go pancakes.
Giveaway ends on 10/31. Entry is limited to once per person and per Facebook account.