Deal: Windex Touch-Up Cleaner $0.47 at Target


UPDATED: New BOGO coupon in SmartSource 1/12 insert

Get this great deal on Windex Touch-Up Cleaner for only $0.47 at Target. Use a $1.00 off one Windex Touch-Up Cleaner coupon with a Target store coupon, Target Cartwheel and pay with Target REDcard for this deal. Price will vary per regions. Here’s what to do:

► Buy two Windex Touch-Up Cleaner (10 oz)@$3.49/ea = $6.98
Use one Buy One Get One Free Windex Touch-Up (SmartSource 1/12)  -$3.49
And use two $1.00 off one Windex Touch-Up Target coupon  -$2.00
And use Target Cartwheel for 10% off  -$0.50
Pay with Target REDcard for 5% off  -$0.05
Final Price: $0.47 each

► Buy one Windex Touch-Up Cleaner (10 oz) = $3.49
Use $1.00 off one Windex Touch-Up coupon  -$1.00
And use $1.00 off one Windex Touch-Up Target coupon  -$1.00
And use Target Cartwheel for 10% off  -$0.25
Pay with Target REDcard for 5% off  -$0.07
Final Price: $1.17

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