Free Biore Facial Cleanser at CVS


Update: As with all non-sale items, the price will vary by store. Some areas they will cost more. This picture was taken in Southern California. So. Hope you find it. Additionally, some readers have reported that they ring up for Buy one get one for 50% at their store. So price check!

(Coupon Expires 3/31) Get Free Biore Facial Cleanser at CVS! Check out your 3/2 SmartSource insert for the $2.00 off one Biore Cleanser coupon. This coupon has no size restrictions and can be used on the 1 0z Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Facial Cleanser that sells for $1.99 at CVS (regular price). Price after coupon: FREE! Here’s the breakdown:

► Buy one Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Facial Cleaner = $1.99
Use (1) $2/1 Biore Cleanser (SS 3/2, x3/31) =-$2.00
Final Price: Free

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