Free Childrens Dimetapp Walgreens (Week of 10/13)


You can get 3 Free bottles of Children’s Dimetapp this week at Walgreens! It’s too good of a deal to pass up, especially with cold and flu season upon us. Here’s how to grab this great deal:

►Buy Children’s Dimetapp, 4 oz -$4.99
Buy 1, Get 1000 Points ($1.00)
Use $6  off 3 Mail-In Rebate for Participating Products (RP 08/25/13 R)
Use $2 off 1 Dimetapp Product
Use $1 off 1 Dimetapp Children’s Product (RP 10/13/13)
$1 off 1 Dimetapp or Robitussin Bottle or Package or Advil Congestion Relief or Allergy & Congestion Relief (RP 08/25/13)
Final Cost = 3 Free Bottles After Points & Rebate

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