
Today (10/18) at Family Dollar store, Score a Free Bottle of All Laundry Detergent (50 oz) stacking together with Sales Price, Digital Coupon and Manufacturer Coupon. If you are lucky and get a nice cashier, you may be able to multiple bottles. See breakdown below:

  • All Laundry Detergent is on sale at $3.49
  • (Do this on Friday) Text “Deal” to 28767 on Friday (not today) to get code for $2.50 Off. Now this code is just like Instance Value Code at Walgreens, where the cashier enter it once, and it automatically applies to every item in your transaction. So you may be able to get multiple.
  • (Do this on Friday) Alternatively, instead of mobile code from above you can also print this coupon from their site directly (on Friday, it won’t work today).
  • Plus use the $1 Off All laundry detergent coupon from RP 9/29. RP is the redplum insert from 9/29’s sunday newspaper.
  • If you don’t have the coupon, you can print it from their facebook page following these instructions:  Click “reed’s allergen test”, answer 5 questions, print the $1/1 All coupon. Limit 2 prints per computer.
  • Final Price: FREE

Guess where I’ll be Friday morning? hehehe…

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