Deal: Energizer Batteries $0.37 at Walmart


Get this great deal on Energizer Batteries at your local Walmart! Just look for specially marked packages of Energizer AA or AAA batteries. Each package will contain a unique code you can use to receive a $10 Walmart Gift Card. Two codes are needed. Purchase must be made between 10/1/13 and 8/14/14. Codes can be entered online by clicking here. Here’s what to do:

Buy two Energizer 8 pk AA or AAA Batteries @ $6.37/ea = $12.74
Use two $1.00 off one Energizer coupons -$2.00
Out Of Pocket = $10.74
Submit codes for $10.00 Walmart Gift Card
Receive $10.00 Walmart Gift Card
Final Price = $0.37 each

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