Exercise Smart and Frugally with Baby

Mom Jogging with baby

Everyone knows that having a child brings on a plethora of new responsibilities.  Gone are the days of getting out of the house in ten minutes or fewer without having to run back inside for some forgotten item.  As moms, we face many new challenges, one of which is balancing life activities.  We have to find the time for things that were once an easy part of everyday life, such as exercise.

I have found that I need to redefine exercise for myself.  I can no longer hurry off to the gym to put in an hour on the machines to complete my weekly workouts.  I have not been able to work those fun cardio classes into my schedule like I used to do with friends.  It is not for lack of wanting to, I have simply had to prioritize my activities.  It is true that in many ways mom’s needs come second to baby’s, but if we are not taking care of ourselves, we cannot properly care for our babies.  That is why I have changed the way I get my exercise to include baby.

Going for a hike, jog, or stroll is a great way to spend time with your child and get some decent cardio into your workout regime.  Everyone can benefit from a bit of fresh air and a walk about in nature.  Not only will you get your heart pumping, you will also have an opportunity to clear your mind in a sort of active meditation which I have found crucial to calm my nerves from being a mom.

These exercise forms did force us to invest in a few pieces of equipment to make it easier to do.  We got a Chicco backpack carrier that has a 35 pound weight limit.  The weight limit was important as we wanted to be able to use the carrier as our toddler continues to grow.  Many carriers peak at around 25 pounds, we passed that mark long before we went carrier shopping! There are many models on the market but if you are trying to keep the cost down, I recommend shopping second-hand, you are sure to get a better price than retail on a new item.

We also got a jogging stroller that has come in handy for both my husband and I.  I take the stroller on paved hiking trails and my husband takes the stroller on his jogs.  Initially we tried to take our normal strollers on our excursions but we found that no matter which stroller we used it did not make for a smooth ride for our son and it was cumbersome to navigate on even the nicest paths, forcing us to stop or slow down which interrupted our workouts.  I found a Contour stroller for $75 on Craigslist and it has been perfect for our needs.

When you include your child in these activities you are also benefiting from added resistance.  Even if you choose to stick to walking, pushing a stroller increases the level of energy you exert.  Obviously, carrying your child on your back increases the weight your are moving which burns more calories!  Being active for 30 minutes a day is all you need to decrease many dangerous health risks ensuring that you will be an active participant in your child’s life for years to come.

Our son just loves being outdoors and taking him along for these workouts is a wonderful way to get us both out of the house and show him that physical activity is an important part of life.

By Tara, Free Stuff Finder Contributor

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