Free Kindle Book “The One You Love”

the one you love

Here is another great free Kindle Book!  You can save $10.99 if you grab this before the price changes!  The book is called “The One You Love.”  After reading the reviews and the books summary, I’ve added it too my reading list!

Here is a little from the website on this great read:

Emma Holden’s nightmare has just begun. Her fiancé vanishes, leaving the battered and bloodied body of his brother in their London apartment. Someone is stalking her, watching her every move. And her family are hiding a horrifying secret; a secret that threatens all those she loves. In a desperate race against time, Emma must uncover the truth if she ever wants to see her fiancé alive again.

The One You Love is a fast-paced suspense mystery, full of twists and turns, following in the tradition of writers such as Nicci French and Sophie Hannah.

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